A Sneak Preview

Imagine a caged rat running frenetically on the inside of his spinning plastic orb trying to get ahead. He doesn't know where he's going, but has the notion, that since he's running as fast as he can, he should be arriving soon. In fact he will be arriving soon, just not where he thought. The ambient noise, of what sounds like water running, interrupted by intermittent honks and the shaking vibration of his surroundings hasn't deterred him. Moreover, as he's so focussed on achieving his goal, he's unaware that he's currently en route to the animal shelter, where he'll soon be euthanized. Furiously he scurries to success, but his existence is soon to come to an end.

It brings to mind the movie, The Matrix, where the mass of humanity was unaware that their existence was quite different than what they believed to be their reality, and their life-line was about to be unplugged. I wonder if this could also be our reality. If you were given a sneak-peak into your future and learned to your utter dismay, that your existence was about to come to an end, would you have any final thoughts? Or, even with this knowledge, would you continue your frenzied pace? And as you read this bizarre supposition, you quickly correct the conjecture by taking a quick sensory assessment. You glance about and surmise all is well. Unfortunately, you're not absolutely sure. Well, I have good news, and bad news. You see, I'm bringing this to your attention, because I have been given a sneak-preview. And you can breathe easy; your existence is not in jeopardy.

But, what is your existence? Are you really just a consuming, calculating bag of bones and meat - much like what your pork roast looked like before it arrived to your supermarket? If that's the case, then you really don't have much time. You see, even if you live to a ripe old age of, say, ninety-seven, which is unlikely, it still passes like a dream. Think of your last twenty years. What do you really remember of it? Can you relive each moment; or was it more like a wisp of smoke that momentarily lingered, then disappeared? If the latter is the case, I conjecture your next twenty years will be the same - and the next- and the next, until you find yourself sitting in a chair unaware of your past or your future - simply living in the moment. Time is relative.

Now, back to the sneak preview. This is what I've been shown: the bag of meat, is really more like an overcoat. It will eventually wear out, but you, as a person, will continue into timelessness. You see, life and death are both timeless. The state of your conscious continuance, however, is determined by a decision you can make now. Your existence begins in a state of spiritual death. You began this way, because humankind once made a decision, or more of an allegiance. You've heard the term "he sold his soul"? Well, that's one way of describing it. You are a slave to whom you obey. And someone in your ancestry decided to join the losing team, and what they lost was their spiritual life. They still existed, but in a state of spiritual death. In the Bible, we're told that Jesus is Life. He Himself, said, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life." and that, "whoever has the Son, (Jesus) has Life and whoever does not have the Son, there's no life in him." Whoever is "In" Christ, also has all that He is. A brief list would include: joy, patience, peace, contentment, faith, hope, love, etc, and without Christ is the opposite of all that He is. Jesus described it as "weeping and grinding of teeth".

But here you are, still in your physical "overcoat". It's not completely worn out - yet. But this is the only time you can change your state. Will it be Life, or will you remain in your spiritually dead existence? The answer is simple - it's even easy. You see, God has a very intense love for you. And the only way that, He Himself, established as a means of correction, was for Him to take your place - and that's exactly what He did. He entered into our spiritually dead state, by being incarnated in the person of Jesus the Messiah. He lived as a man, but one without sin and without committing sin, and when those who were ruled by Satan learned who He was, they were motivated to have Jesus executed. Satan believed he had finally won. But God being who He is, conquered death. He was crucified, died and went to the same place all who are outside of Christ go - to hell - that place of "weeping and grinding of teeth". But He didn't go as a result of His own sin, but in payment for yours and mine. He paid for our sin and separation from God's Life by suffering and dying on our behalf. He then overcame Death, by means of the resurrection. In the gospel of John, we read, "that God loved us so much that He gave His only Son (Jesus)and that all we need to do is simply accept His free gift of Life, by telling Him that you are switching sides. You'll be His instead of being "dead" in sin and you will enter into the Kingdom of God" - John 3:16 (somewhat paraphrased). Remember, Jesus is Life. In Him you will experience all that Life is.

Consider this as the one moment in time - in your bag of meat existence - that you can change the rest of your eternity. This moment may never come again. If you feel drawn to say YES, then it is really not you, but God who is drawing you. You can't resist. You are not your own. If you are ready to make this change, follow me now in simply talking to Him:

Father, I know that I've been living in a death-like existence. I don't want to be a slave on the wrong side any longer. I want Life. I choose You, God. My sins weigh heavy on me. Please Lord wipe them away. Thank you so much for dying in my place, and I accept You now, as my new Life. I give myself to You. Come and fill me with Your Life. I will now live my life through You. Thank you Jesus.

Oh, remember me saying that I was given a sneak preview? This is how I know it's all true - My Belonging and Believing